Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tweetabulous. Now link to where your products are sold from your Huffs Listing on

Another Great Huffs List Feature

In addition to the already insane number of portals to your business world that your Huffs Listing gives you, I've now added PRODUCTS FOR SALE.

YES! You can list your products for sale and link them to where they are sold whether it's on Amazon, CD Now, or even your own web site. Add your own product photo or link to an image on another web site. My goal is to make this process as easy as possible for you.

Try it out.

Setting up a listing is free. You just pay a small subscription fee to GO LIVE.

On My Account (the password protected member’s home page), you should definitely complete the following sections:

  • Your Services (These translate into your keywords and keyword phrase through which prospective clients find you.)

  • Your business Logo or a Photo of you

  • All of your Links to your web sites and you Social Media (These links are counted as backlinks to where they are pointing.)

  • An in depth About Me (Describe in sound bites who you are, your experience, your accolades, your education, and professional affiliations.)

  • Your Metro Areas serviced (Clients can find you by where you are located: metropolitan area, state, and country.)

  • Articles (You can post articles and/or link to individual blog postings. The links are counted as backlinks to the site where they are located.)

  • And FINALLY, Products for Sale (Use a photo and title/description to link to where customers can buy your products.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Huffs List welcomes Dymond Reagor Colville, LLP, Douglas Griess, Legal Services

Monday, July 27, 2009

Huffs List welcomes Impact Marketing Communications, Cindy Skerjanec, Marketing Communications, Sales and Marketing

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Haiku for Tweet writers: Oh tweet writer block. Sitting, sweating, fingers poised. How do I write wow?
HAIKU FOR TODAY: Wow! We Tweet-exist, joyous living in moment, and time it takes all.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tweetomanics - Once born, your thoughts need retweeting to stay alive.

Friday, July 24, 2009

RT @tweetmeme Have a smile today. The Power of The Unexpected

Branding and Brand Identity on Huffs List

"People engaged in branding seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. A brand is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace. The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management." Wikipedia

Service providers on who focus on the various aspects of branding, brand identity, and brand management for clients:

True Vine Marketing Communications, Rich Carvill, Marketing Communications

MBCST- Marketing and Business Concepts, Dan Hellman, Marketing Communications, Sales and Marketing

The Market Creation Group, Mark Mitton, Marketing Communications

StratDV, Joe Stephens, Graphic Design, Marketing Communications, Sales and Marketing, Web Site Services, Writer and Editor

Stewartstudio Graphic Design, Graphic Design, Marketing Communications, Trade Show Services

How to Analyze Your Audience

"If you want your targeted audience to read or hear your recommendations, then remember and act upon them, express yourself in a vernacular that reflects your audience’s life experiences" - Rita Braun

Find this and other articles about writing for your audience by Rita Braun of Braun & Associates at Huffs List Articles

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Look, New Feel, New Vibes

We did it. Thanks to graphically- and message-minded Sheryl Dawson, we revamped Huffs List. WOW! Does it look nice. Easy to read. Easy to get around. Fabulous improvements. Thanks Sheryl.

Mucho thanks also go to Rita Braun for her in-depth editing of the Member Account area. As she succinctly puts it in her blog on editing, "It is the only way to keep you fit, in the case of your content, the only way to help prevent the yelping of Holy Crap!??! in some distant forest of readers or listeners." Thanks Rita.

It is so nice to be on the receiving end of expert help. My ultimate goal will be achieved when talented professionals like Sheryl and Rita are discovered simply because they are listed on Huffs List.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Great Example of a Good Huffs Listing

Take a look at Spot-On Marketing's listing. It includes all of the important elements that lets prospective customers know all about Sheryl Dawson's Spot-On Marketing business, including:

- a comprehensive list of services
- great links, including an online portfolio, a video that Sheryl wrote and produced, and her Twitter address
- a complete list of the metropolitan areas in which Sheryl does business
- pdf copies of literature that Sheryl has written and produced
- photos of projects that Sheryl has completed

Sheryl's only missing an About Me, yet clearly makes up for it by including her very creative online portfolio and sales sheet for web design services.

I've worked Sheryl. She's a very talented professional.

Sheryl, Kudos for a terrific Huffs List job.